EVENT: Flexibility for Form and Function
In collaboration with the fabulous coaches at Yoga Therapies, this 5 part series will explore integrative and progressive patterns of movement to improve joint range and core coordination resulting in a more mobile, agile and resilient body. Each session will consist...
Storm Client Testimonial – Dave
Storm client Dave tells us why he chose Storm and how training with Storm (after having 2 full knee replacements) is improving his health, fitness and wellbeing. To chat to me Spence, or one of the Storm team, please call 0191 7070 555 or email info@storm-fitness.com....
Storm Client Testimonial – Aston
We recently chatted with client Aston about his experience of training with Storm coach Dave Ball. "At 48 I've never been fitter..." says Aston. Watch the 2-minute video below. If you'd like to chat about how Storm can help you please get in touch, we'd love to hear...
Grub For Grafters
There’s no denying that most jobs have become less active, which has definitely had a knock-on effect to the average body fat levels of people in the UK. However low activity levels alone are not the problem and it is of course possible to be very active and still...
5 Steps to Injury Reduction for Young Athletes
At Storm over the last 8 years we have grown a reputation for developing young athletes. Some of our athletes go on to earn international honours or progress to senior level sport; but in almost all cases our young athletes learn how to train for optimal performance,...
Never Skip Breakfast… or could you?
Often too much weight has been given to the importance of eating breakfast. In my view meal frequency just isn't worth worrying about for most people. A study by Schlundt 1992 took 52 obese subjects through a 12 week treatment. Their metabolic rate was established at...
Strength Training… why again?
Here’s a quick reminder of why including some Strength Training in your week is a good idea: What Strength training will do for you: Increase metabolism, burning more calories whilst resting. It burns body fat. Increases bone strength. You’ll look better in your...
Eating to increase fitness – Advanced Nutrition Strategies
It’s pretty well known that training improves your fitness, but did you know your nutrition can also improve your fitness? No not just by dropping weight to make that run easier but by increasing the size and number of your mitochondria (sometimes referred to as the...
Simple Formula for Fat Loss
Fat loss in 3 simple steps Losing body fat relies on creating a calorie deficit. Burning more calories than you eat. That doesn’t mean however, that you absolutely HAVE to weigh, measure and track everything you eat on my fitness pal. Here’s how our coaches achieve...
Letting Your Kids Watch You Die Early
We receive a lot of emails at Storm, but there is one type of email that always stops me in my tracks. The kind that changes the whole course of my day and feels like a punch through the heart. No, not the brown envelope from HMRC. It’s when we receive an email from a...
3 Simple Mindset Tips
#1 Scheduled your priorities? What’s important to you right now? Is it scheduled and in your diary? If your priorities are REALLY your priorities, shouldn’t they be the first thing in your diary? The thing that doesn’t get moved no matter what? Like I dunno... the...
Whether or not you feel concerned about your weight, being aware of the trajectory of your weight and having the ability to change trajectory is a vital skill. On average, adults gain 0.7g in bodyweight per year beyond 20 years of age. Whilst that might not sound like...
5 things surfing taught me about training
1. If you keep paddling, some day you’ll catch a wave This is a simple one; you just have to keep going… Above everything else, persistence is the key! 2. Paddle with the water not against it Not many realise that surfing is 90% paddling 10% surfing. When I first...
Can you get stronger in your 40’s and 50’s?
Here’s a question I get asked a lot... in my view for most of us the answer is yes! Absolutely! In the first graph are the men’s world records in the snatch (a weightlifting movement) the records are for the 94kg weight class from open (any age) all the way up to 85...
Storm Client Testimonial – Debbie
We recently visited our client Debbie who runs 'Yoga Therapies' with partner Chris out of their new location situated within STACK Newcastle. She gave us a wonderful testimonial on how she finds Storm fitness and why training with Storm has benefited her personal...
Are Your Best Days Really Behind You?
Recently one of my good friends Michael at Always Wear Red (Newcastle’s rapidly expanding fashion brand) wrote a blog in response to the question “Can people ‘peak’?”… it was 6 words long, it read: “Only if you think you have.” When I start working with clients they...
Before you make goals
Just before you commit to your action plan for 2019, here are a few thoughts on motivation from me to you: 1. You need a telescope and a microscope A forward thinking dream like vision is important, but equally as important is the attention to the details that will...
5 Questions to take inventory of your training
One of the most important tasks Storm’s coaches do is to review our clients training programs to check they are optimally effective and likely to deliver what our clients want. I would encourage you to do the same, here’s how: 1. Is it actually happening? When you...
Exercise Form
When I first started training people, nearly a decade ago, I ignorantly thought, that in order to teach people how to lift I just needed to learn the positions, learn how to demonstrate the lifts and learn a script of what to say (I did say “ignorantly”). The thing...
Recoverable Volume
There is an amount of training you and I could complete today that would surpass your ability to recover fully from it before your next planned training session. That should be a universal truth we all subscribe to; but to some people that statement alone will cause...
Storm Client Testimonial – Chris
We recently visited our client Chris who runs 'Yoga Therapies' out of their new location situated within STACK Newcastle. Chris gave a lovely testimonial on why he chose to train with Storm and how Storm changed him personally. See the video below. If you'd like to...
The Storm Fitness Vitamin Deficiency Series
If you want to change the way your body looks, controlling your energy intake to energy output is the way to go. If you are interested in FEELING your best and optimising your health, eliminating deficiency where it exists is the way to go! Vitamin A Sources: Liver,...
Storm Client Testimonial – Michael
We visited our friend Michael recently. Owner of clothing brand Always Wear Red. He discusses with us his reasons for training with Storm and how Storm is benefitting his personal life. Who does Michael train with at Storm? Michael trains with Spencer who is...
What are Macros?
Most people have a good grasp of what calories are. Calories are a measure of the energy contained in food. In the simplest terms we need calories to run our bodies and if we take in more than what we need to run our body we put on weight and if we eat less than what...
Winter Wellness – 5 tips to steer clear of the lurgy
It probably hasn’t escaped your attention that this time of year is a great time to pick up sickness bugs. Here are our top tips to keep you healthy and keep your training progressing and avoid time feeling about as much use as an iron-on-tattoo. 1. Keep your mouth...
Training for Stress Relief
Our experience has taught us that without clear goals, planning and focus; training can create stress rather than reducing it. As an example let’s take a look at what the journey may look like using our fictional character Danny as our subject. Danny wants to first...
Convenience Food, Space Travel and Time
BY: Dan Marriot Slim fast,Chicken Kiev, Smash and TV dinners These are all things that used to come to my head, when I thought of convenience foods. However, things have come a long way since Smash. Oh, and if you’re thinking what have Smash and space travel got in...
Don’t Be a Bystander in Your Own Life
You know that feeling that life is passing you by? Time hurtles on and yet all those moments you wanted to enjoy pass by without you even feeling remotely conscious of them, it’s as if you weren’t even there. I know this feeling. A few years ago I had just started my...
Protein: Are You Deficient?
When we start working with new clients, whether they are focussed on losing body fat loss or gaining muscle we often find they could benefit from eating a bit more protein. Believe it or not a lot of people don't like the idea of eating more protein and are often...
Are Your Best Days Really Behind You?
Recently one of my good friends Michael at Always Wear Red (Newcastle’s rapidly expanding fashion brand) wrote a blog in response to the question “Can people ‘peak’?”… it was 6 words long, it read: “Only if you think you have” When I start working with...
Keralan Prawn Curry
Try This Fragrant Dish to spice up the dreary winter without ruining your progress! Last year I visited Kerala also known as the "spice coast" in India. Everywhere you step foot there is something edible and the food is simply amazing! I would highly recommend it!...
Training For Exceptional Health and Wellbeing
This one is teensy bit sciency… But, I am writing this because I think where “wellbeing” is mentioned, the true benefits exercise has to make life better get underplayed and they are rarely backed up by any mention of the mechanisms through which those awesome...
Seasonal Affective Disorder & 7 Tips to Brighten Up Your Winter Months
Post by Dan Marriott "I just want to stay indoors, eat food and hibernate, rather than go outside" Why is it, we tend to lay low throughout the winter months? Our energy levels dip, we crave foods that are dense in calories...
Knee pain – Why do My Knees Hurt? – An Overview of Knee Pain
Here’s an overview of some of the many causes of knee pain you can experience. During my previous career as a professional sportsman I unfortunately had to deal with knee pain and injuries, so I understand first hand how frustrating they can be. It can also be very...
Dan’s Top 10 Muscle Building Snacks
When it comes to gaining weight, it can sometimes be tough to get enough calories on board. So Dan has put together his top 10 muscle building snacks to give some quick go-to options when it comes to getting the calories in and fueling the hard work your putting in in...
Resistance Training For Women Over 40
Post by: Dan Marriott There are a number of health benefits that females could potentially be missing out on, if resistance training isn’t part of their weekly routine. Even though the mentality is shifting, there is still a high percentage of females, over the age of...
9 tips for a great nights kip
By Dan Marriott When it comes to sleep, there are many factors that can affect us from getting a decent kip each night. Irregular sleeping patterns, stress, having children and demanding jobs can all play a part. Spence has previously written a corker of a blog on...
Getting Your First Chin Up
You walk into the gym and the first thing you see is that person on the chin up bar, knocking out reps like it’s nothing and the first thing that pops into your head is “I’ll never be able to do that”. First off, don’t worry about the person knocking out sets of 15...
The Epic Holiday Workout Post
Holidays are of course about unwinding and getting some downtime; that said if you want to stay on top of your physique or in my case eat more food, throwing in the odd workout can help. Equipment can often be in short supply so here is the only post you'll ever need...
Imagine you find yourself out of shape. You can feel the loose feeling around your waist and the “overhang” on jeans that used to fit. Your energy levels mean you crash to the sofa when you get home and can barely lift a finger. You are so angry with yourself for...
40 Tips for Over 40’s
1. Start! If you haven’t already started, then there’s no time like the present. There are major benefits on cognitive function which will help aspects such as reasoning, memory, thinking and can alleviate symptoms of depression. Not to mention all the more obvious...
The Kick Start
Saturday had come and I was finally catching up with my good friend and former partner in crime (not literal crime of course) I could barely wait. I arrived and my pal was sitting down already, he seemed a bit subdued. “Hey Spence, alright?” The choice of restaurant...
Your Instincts are Your Enemy (not your friend)
There seems to be a growing number of people who believe that by following our “natural instincts” with food choices we would arrive at a highly nutritious balanced diet There are many ways to consider how we make food choices, but for the sake of this argument...
Get on a Mission!
The new year came and went. If you are one of the lucky ones you still have your motivation in tact and you are still focussed with your training when the majority of folk have jacked in fitness in favour of Net Flix and ice cream! If you want to get the most out of...
Picking the Right Online Personal Trainer for You
"And everywhere, infinite options, infinite possibilities" ~ Haruki Murakami With almost infinite options; here are the top points to consider when selecting the person responsible for improving your health and fitness. Being a good generalist is of course fine and a...
What is Online Personal Training?
Just like every service industry, Personal training is now online and in a big way. Since 2015 the number of searches for online personal training has shot up by nearly 40%! So how does it work and what do we make of it? As is the case with personal training offline,...
The Minimalist Guide to Eating Healthily all Week Long
How to set up your weekly nutrition in 2 hours or less Start by writing a weekly plan for how many meals you’ll need to prepare. If you are looking to make changes to your body shape or performance, it’s not necessarily essential that you prepare every meal in...
Not getting enough D?
"I seem to pick up every bug or cold going around at the moment. I struggle to pull myself out of bed in the morning and I never feel energised." These are words I have heard a lot of lately. There can be a million reasons for low immune function and low energy but...
Take on a Challenge and Change Your Perspective
Recently I did a charity event for the movember foundation. This year it was supporting awareness for mens mental health. For every pound I raised, I’d pull the big sled loaded with my bodyweight (90kg) a length of the gym (20m). I knew it would be a tough challenge,...
The ACTUAL Effects of overfeeding this Christmas
What damage can you REALLY do to your progress this Christmas? I have spoken to a lot of people recently who have a DEEP FEAR about the upcoming Christmas period and it’s potential to de rail all your progress. So let’s first agree what we mean by “the Christmas...
The Alkaline Diet – A Closer Look
Every cell in our body operates within an optimal PH range, and those PH ranges differ between different cells. The NET PH of our body however, is pretty tightly regulated within a healthy range. In the case of somebody eating a diet which provides an acid inducing...
Activity Trackers – Do They Work?
If you want to get in shape; keeping track of your activity is definitely a good idea. Whilst energy balance or energy in vs energy burned is not the ONLY factor in successful change, calories in vs calories out is sort of the master regulator for all body composition...
Can’t Keep Up Part 3 – Simplifying Your Lifestyle
So, lets recap. The internet is run by a chimpanzee, training doesn't have to be complex and your nutrition can be managed in a few simple steps. To put the icing on the cake, in this post we’re going to look at how you can simplify your lifestyle to allow your...
Should You Eat Breakfast When Trying To Lose Weight?
Here's a guide to help you decide if breakfast is going to be an important factor in reaching your goals: Eating for fat loss: Losing body fat requires that the total volume of energy you eat and drink is less than the total volume of energy used in both exercise and...
How To Hack Your Hormones For Lean Muscle Gains
A lot of the women who train at Storm, after they have reached their body fat goals, want to increase their muscle mass and strength. You simply can’t separate strength training and the effects it has on our hormones. Here’s how to spot a session that will get your...
Forget the little Black Dress – Start Your Fight Camp
I’m going to let you in on a little secret here. At this time of year personal trainers across the land are conjuring up schemes to make you seek the approval of other people at local restaurants, bars and nightclubs whilst wearing your “little black dress”. To be...
The Milk Myth
Are cows on the growth hormone? This week I have again been in earshot of people making false claims about food. The one thing that stops me from stopping people in the street and advising them how to safely perform brain surgery is that, well... I don't know the...
Cant Keep Up Part 2- Simplifying Your Nutrition Updated
“This nutrition plan will revolutionise the way you eat, look, feel and perform!”… How often have you heard something like this on social media or in magazines? The idea of a ‘secret’ or ‘revolutionary’ formula is something I see increasingly and it's something I...
Simplify Your Training Pt.1
The internet is like you local city library…except none of the books are in order, there is a group of know-it-alls shouting at the top of their voice and the librarian is a chimpanzee. There is a lot of information out there, which is in itself a wonderful thing....
The Olympic Athletes that Changed the World
The Power Of the Olympics The Olympic games is once again on the horizon and I’m sure I can’t be the only person in disbelieve that it was indeed four years ago since Farrah and Ennis lit up London. The World has changed. since the London 2012 Olympic Games Britain...
Hunger- Understand hunger and how to manage it
Hunger If you have recently started trying to lose weight there is a good chance that hunger has become a factor and if it hasn't yet it soon will be. Whether you are adhering to a set of macro targets or just reducing your intake there may be times when you feel...
The Four Steps to Great Results
You’ve made the decision to make a big change in your life. Great work! You have taken the first step which is often the hardest and that is challenging your previous way of thought and taking the choice to start altering the way you do things. But there’s one...
Lessons from significant weight loss
The result of significant weight loss is not just a drop in numbers on the scale, but also lessons learned outside of the training room. Having done this myself, I’m familiar with the struggles of changing your body. Believe me, I’ve been there and got the t-shirt…or...
Minimum time, maximum effort – 5 steps to an efficient fat loss workout
Ah that old chestnut… “I just don't have time to train”. As busy people we often find ourselves with little time to train and by that I mean train hard, not just a 20 minute walk on the treadmill…It’s easy to take your foot off the pedal when your work life is hectic,...
Fat: The Mysterious Macro
So we all know the importance of protein, some know the benefits of carbohydrates but what about fats? Fat is an area of nutrition that a lot of people overlook, but did you know: Your brain is 87% fat Your joints are almost 100% fat with a few proteins Every cell in...
7 tips for the Health Conscious Young Professional
By Jack Curtis Although its cold and it might not feel like it, the first day of summer is only 13 weeks away. Here are my 7 health tips for the busy young professional. Use to get ahead of the game when it comes to getting in shape for the summer season: Photo...
Your Goals Aren’t Helping You Succeed
Achieving your fitness and health goals is lot like climbing stairs. You take a step at a time until you reach the top. A lot of people get put off very early on whilst climbing the stairs. It is a long way up and they can see the hard work ahead. They will be put off...
Hiring a PT- The 4 Top Reasons People Are Put Off
Hiring a PT seems to make perfect sense. Why waste time and effort on something that you have no faith in when you can ensure all your efforts are rewarded with results? Well here are just some of the reasons people procrastinate before hiring a PT. 1) Just not...
6 Simple Tips To Stay Focussed
Here are a few quick tips on how to get more out of training, stay focussed and feel good about doing it. 1. Get things in some kind of order. You may have heard: “A highly varied diet, rich in nutrients is the best way to get healthy, lean and fit.” “You need...
What Matters Most?
What are the important factors to consider in order to get your training and nutrition absolutely on point? This is exactly what we wanted to know from the clients at Storm in this short video. In this one I get called a geek by a buddhist monk, I am beaten in a core...
Starting Afresh
If you don't subscribe to our youtube channel you may not be up to speed on whats going on at Storm. We thought you might like to hear what the people at Storm have to say about how its all going. If you feel like you have some added potential to unlock, we'd love to...
Should You Weigh Yourself?
This seems like the perfect time to write this, with us all fresh from our festive binges! People are either jumping on those scales desperate to ditch the pounds they’ve gained, or throwing their scales out of the window out of fear of what they might say. My...
Upon Reflection-20 Questions to Review and Reflect
It’s pretty easy at this time of the year to fall into the trap of setting resolutions before taking time to reflect on the year that has passed. How can you be sure you’ll not repeat the things that are holding you back? Here are 20 questions that will...
“I’ll Just Cut Out Gluten”
"I'll just cut out gluten" Continuing with our Top 5 Nutrition Arguments You'll Hear This Christmas, here is another common solution people take to when they want to get in shape. This short post is just to provide you with the facts to make an informed decision about...
” You Can’t Drop Weight by Exercising”
Top 5 Nutrition Arguments You'll Have this Christmas If you or a member of your family want to lose some body fat, exercise is undoubtedly a good idea. Most body fat is carried under the skin as adipose tissue and when we exercise blood flow to adipose...
“If You Can’t Pronounce It, Don’t Eat It”
Top 5 Nutrition Arguments You'll Have this Christmas I think in many cases the people who put this type of argument forward are well natured, and often, they are just looking for a way to simplify the decision making process when it comes to food choices....
“You Shouldn’t Eat So Much Protein”
Top 5 Nutrition Arguments You'll Have this Christmas Is it just me or is Christmas the time of year where we recieve advice about diet and training from nearly everyone? Maybe you have had a friend or family member tell you that you are doing it all wrong? If you have...
40 Motivation Questions to Feed the Fire Within.
December, the time where it’s totally fine to say you want to do one thing yet do the exact opposite. “I need to lose weight” you think to yourself whilst holding a mince pie in one hand and a Gingerbread Latte in the other. “Should all be sweet soon, we just...
Getting Zeds- A Guide to Your Best Nights Sleep
Background. Our body clock or sometimes referred to as our circadian rhythm runs on a delay of approximately 15 minutes. There are 24 hours in one day but 24 hours and 15 minutes in one complete cycle of our daily rhythm of hormone peaks and troughs if...
Caffeine- Buzz or Bust?
Caffeine is one drug that I definitely can appreciate. Specifically an excellent cuppa’ joe on a cloudy Newcastle morning whilst reading a good blog. However, there are mixed views about the effect of regular caffeine intake that we should consider. Here is the need...
Trainer focus: The best exercises for new mums
In the second part of our trainer focus series, Robbie reveals the best exercises for new mums looking to get back to full health. It can be really important for new mums to have some personal time in the early stages of motherhood. This can be hard to come by...
Trainer focus: Going all out from the off
Welcome to the first in our new series of trainer blogs. Today, Robbie takes us through how to get started on an effective training regime. When anyone embarks on a new training or diet regime, they usually follow a predictable pattern. They start off getting sick of...
How to not get dumped for lifting weights
Making time for Muscle Here I am in my “relationship guru” status… a little like Jeremy Kyle or Opra… I don’t think so somehow. If I had a penny for every time I have heard the phrase “I don’t have the time to train” or I don’t have time to eat well” I would be a very...
Do Less, Be Less Stressed and Get More Done.
In his recent book titled “The Organised Mind” Daniel Levitin studies “H.S.P’s” or highly successful people and the practises they have that lead them to be so productive. I want to summarize a few of them here for you as I think they can be helpful tools to create...
Are you Deficient?
At the moment there are two main schools of thought when it comes to nutrition in the fitness industry. On the one hand you have those who believe in simply eating whole foods. They focus on eliminating any processed foods and often dairy and gluten. Using this...
By David Ball. Here are some vital tips about how to manage alcohol into your diet. Now don’t get me wrong, regular alcohol consumption will undoubtedly scupper your attempts at improving your health and body composition, so this isn’t a blog telling you it’s ok start...
Resistance to change
How to do the things you want to do (but don’t) Why is it that we can have a burning desire to do something but then prevent our self from doing it? We are of course talking about resistance. I want to say before delving into this one that I am not putting myself...
The Kick Start
Saturday had come and I was finally catching up with my good friend and former partner in crime (not literal crime of course) I could barely wait. I arrived and my pal was sitting down already, he seemed a bit subdued. “Hey Spence, alright?” The...
Training Around the Menstrual Cycle
There is a big buzz surrounding the female menstrual cycle in the press recently following Heather Watson speaking out at the Australian open about how her performance was down to “women’s problems”. There has been a lot of speculation about whether the...
Getting organised
At this time of the week it’s often time to refocus and get sorted for the week ahead. I know I am probably preaching to the converted here when it comes to managing your working diary, but what about managing your training and nutrition? The two factors that will...