The North East’s Home For Expert Personal Training

How We Help
A complete service
Rehabilitation at Storm is a complete service using a multi-disciplined team. We have an in house physiotherapist who can provide in depth assessment. After the assessment stage we work as a team to manage you through your rehab, making sure everything you do in the gym is of maximum benefit.
Training the whole person is key to successful rehab
We find a way to work around your limitations whilst you are recovering to train the whole body, not just the injury. A healthy, fit and strong person recovers quicker and let’s face it, being injured is no fun. Our aim is that you get fitter and stronger whilst you recover.
The power of good nutrition
More than ever the importance of sound nutrition can’t be overstated when it comes to recovering from injury. We’ll guide you on how to manage swelling, how to adjust your intake to avoid weight gain and how to kick start new muscle strength and growth.
Support & guidance
Whether you have short term injury or whether you have just undergone a knee replacement, there will undoubtedly be ups and downs in your recovery. Our team will give you realistic timelines and keep you moving forward and motivated every step of the way.
How We Think
What Our Customers Say
What happens after I get in touch?
Can I use the gym on my own in-between my sessions with my coach?
Does anybody ever mess up with their nutrition?
What age range can rehabilitate with Storm?
How strict is the diet?
Can I drink alcohol?
Do I need to have any experience with lifting weights?
Come and have a chat to a coach to find out how we can help