Reviewing Your Training Program
Why we review your training program In this video Spencer talks about how and why your STORM coach will review your training program at the end of each session, at the end of each week and at the end of each training program. Here is the 4 minute 25 second video......
Key Industry Terms
Spencer talks about some key industry terms. In this video Spencer explains some key terms that you need to understand when setting up your diet correctly. For example what is your basal metabolic rate (BMR)? And Spencer explains what maintenance calories are. Here is...
Do You Need to Eat More on Training Days
Spencer talks about whether you need to eat more on the days that you workout. In this video Spencer also chats about the difference between a linear diet vs a non-linear diet. Here is the 2 minute 35 second video... To chat to me Spence, or one of the Storm team,...
How To Grow Muscle
Former professional athlete and STORM MD and trainer Spencer talks about gaining muscle mass. In this video Spencer covers: 1. Why do you want to gain more muscle? 2. What are the benefits of having more muscle? 3. The various methods of gaining more muscle mass. Find...
How can my bum look bigger in this?
This week I was asked... "Does using heavier weight to train your glutes make them bigger?" Here is my response... It can do yes. For years we thought that in order for muscles to grow we needed to use a rep range of 6–12 and for the weight to be 60–75% of what you...
Q+A: Maximising strength and endurance.
STORMER Lizzie asks "how can I maximise in my endurance training and maximise strength at the same time?" In this 4 minute video, STORM Fitness MD, former professional Rugby player and athlete Spencer answers Lizzie's question. To chat to me Spence, or one of the...
Your Bones are Part of Your Metabolism
Did you know your bones are metabolically active? It’s an under appreciated fact that your skeleton is part of your metabolism, albeit to a far lesser degree than muscle but it still plays a vital role. When we reach 18 years old most of our skeleton is fully...
Four Keys to Muscle Growth
Firstly why? Hypertrophy should feature in everyone’s training at some point, and the reasons why are threefold: 1. Increased muscle mass actually is associated with better health and resilience to illness. 2. Increases tensile strength (strength through your joints)....
Storm Client Testimonial – Stephen
Stephen tells us that, as a runner, he'd never been to a gym before coming to STORM and how training has improved his marathon and half marathon times. He also explains how he came to first use STORM and why he enjoys working with personal trainer Ted Winter. To chat...
How to Maximise Watt Bike Interval Training
Here’s my insights on a method I have developed to set challenging targets for Watt Bike intervals. I want, by sharing this, to ensure your interval sessions are both challenging and that you don’t blow up after one set. It’s taken me nearly 20 years to fully...
Storm Client Testimonial – Peter
Peter tells us why he trains with STORM and how training with coaches Spencer and Lome have improved his wellbeing, health and fitness for his intensive and demanding job. To chat to me Spence, or one of the Storm team, please call 0191 7070 555 or email...
What makes muscles get bigger?
One study by Hakkinen measured levels of hormones associated with muscle growth including insulin like growth factor, testosterone and human growth hormone during a 10 week period where participants used a number of different rep schemes. They used a single leg...
Storm Client Testimonial – Michael
Storm client Michael tells us why he came to Storm and how Spencer at Storm has worked on the rehabilitation of a broken ankle so Michael could train for the expedition to the South Pole he'd planned. To chat to me Spencer, or one of the Storm team, please call 0191...
EVENT: Flexibility for Form and Function
In collaboration with the fabulous coaches at Yoga Therapies, this 5 part series will explore integrative and progressive patterns of movement to improve joint range and core coordination resulting in a more mobile, agile and resilient body. Each session will consist...
Storm Client Testimonial – Dave
Storm client Dave tells us why he chose Storm and how training with Storm (after having 2 full knee replacements) is improving his health, fitness and wellbeing. To chat to me Spence, or one of the Storm team, please call 0191 7070 555 or email info@storm-fitness.com....
Storm Client Testimonial – Aston
We recently chatted with client Aston about his experience of training with Storm coach Dave Ball. "At 48 I've never been fitter..." says Aston. Watch the 2-minute video below. If you'd like to chat about how Storm can help you please get in touch, we'd love to hear...
Grub For Grafters
There’s no denying that most jobs have become less active, which has definitely had a knock-on effect to the average body fat levels of people in the UK. However low activity levels alone are not the problem and it is of course possible to be very active and still...
Is Fasted Cardio Necessary for Fat Loss
Within a few weeks you’ll be bombarded with fat loss solutions, each of which claims their approach is the best. The question you need to be asking is, best for who? Over the next few weeks I’ll post a few pointers to steer you on the right direction and avoid any...
Meal Frequency – Stop stressing about it
There are coaches that still peddle the message that eating 6 meals per day will increase your metabolism and if you don’t eat regularly your metabolism will crash. This dogma has been around for as long as I have been coaching but in my view has been completely...
How We Work
Here’s one from our archive... Take a look behind the scenes and see how we tailor unique training and nutrition plans to suit every individual. Click here to browse our case studies on Fat Loss, Strength & Performance, Muscle Gain and Fitness Over 40. Start the...
5 Steps to Injury Reduction for Young Athletes
At Storm over the last 8 years we have grown a reputation for developing young athletes. Some of our athletes go on to earn international honours or progress to senior level sport; but in almost all cases our young athletes learn how to train for optimal performance,...
Never Skip Breakfast… or could you?
Often too much weight has been given to the importance of eating breakfast. In my view meal frequency just isn't worth worrying about for most people. A study by Schlundt 1992 took 52 obese subjects through a 12 week treatment. Their metabolic rate was established at...
Strength Training… why again?
Here’s a quick reminder of why including some Strength Training in your week is a good idea: What Strength training will do for you: Increase metabolism, burning more calories whilst resting. It burns body fat. Increases bone strength. You’ll look better in your...
Eating to increase fitness – Advanced Nutrition Strategies
It’s pretty well known that training improves your fitness, but did you know your nutrition can also improve your fitness? No not just by dropping weight to make that run easier but by increasing the size and number of your mitochondria (sometimes referred to as the...
Simple Formula for Fat Loss
Fat loss in 3 simple steps Losing body fat relies on creating a calorie deficit. Burning more calories than you eat. That doesn’t mean however, that you absolutely HAVE to weigh, measure and track everything you eat on my fitness pal. Here’s how our coaches achieve...
Letting Your Kids Watch You Die Early
We receive a lot of emails at Storm, but there is one type of email that always stops me in my tracks. The kind that changes the whole course of my day and feels like a punch through the heart. No, not the brown envelope from HMRC. It’s when we receive an email from a...
Last week I was invited to talk to an audience at the Boatyard in Cullercoats. I was given the luxury of deciding the topic so I picked “Drive” and being “driven”. Here are the takeaways... 1. Urgh… what is it? Being driven is a word we hear a lot, yet if you ask most...
3 Simple Mindset Tips
#1 Scheduled your priorities? What’s important to you right now? Is it scheduled and in your diary? If your priorities are REALLY your priorities, shouldn’t they be the first thing in your diary? The thing that doesn’t get moved no matter what? Like I dunno... the...
Whether or not you feel concerned about your weight, being aware of the trajectory of your weight and having the ability to change trajectory is a vital skill. On average, adults gain 0.7g in bodyweight per year beyond 20 years of age. Whilst that might not sound like...
Get Turned On: The role of the nervous system in training
Get turned on Every now and then go heavy. When we lift weights an electrical impulse travels from our brain, through our spinal chord, along nerves and to the muscle. The muscle is made up of different types of motor unit (made up of a motor Neuron and its muscle...
5 things surfing taught me about training
1. If you keep paddling, some day you’ll catch a wave This is a simple one; you just have to keep going… Above everything else, persistence is the key! 2. Paddle with the water not against it Not many realise that surfing is 90% paddling 10% surfing. When I first...
Can you get stronger in your 40’s and 50’s?
Here’s a question I get asked a lot... in my view for most of us the answer is yes! Absolutely! In the first graph are the men’s world records in the snatch (a weightlifting movement) the records are for the 94kg weight class from open (any age) all the way up to 85...
Storm Client Testimonial – Debbie
We recently visited our client Debbie who runs 'Yoga Therapies' with partner Chris out of their new location situated within STACK Newcastle. She gave us a wonderful testimonial on how she finds Storm fitness and why training with Storm has benefited her personal...
Are Your Best Days Really Behind You?
Recently one of my good friends Michael at Always Wear Red (Newcastle’s rapidly expanding fashion brand) wrote a blog in response to the question “Can people ‘peak’?”… it was 6 words long, it read: “Only if you think you have.” When I start working with clients they...
Before you make goals
Just before you commit to your action plan for 2019, here are a few thoughts on motivation from me to you: 1. You need a telescope and a microscope A forward thinking dream like vision is important, but equally as important is the attention to the details that will...
5 Questions to take inventory of your training
One of the most important tasks Storm’s coaches do is to review our clients training programs to check they are optimally effective and likely to deliver what our clients want. I would encourage you to do the same, here’s how: 1. Is it actually happening? When you...
Exercise Form
When I first started training people, nearly a decade ago, I ignorantly thought, that in order to teach people how to lift I just needed to learn the positions, learn how to demonstrate the lifts and learn a script of what to say (I did say “ignorantly”). The thing...
Recoverable Volume
There is an amount of training you and I could complete today that would surpass your ability to recover fully from it before your next planned training session. That should be a universal truth we all subscribe to; but to some people that statement alone will cause...
Storm Fitness – A brief history
Before the Storm I first moved to Newcastle in 2008 to play rugby for the Newcastle Falcon’s. In 2009 I began running a bootcamp in exhibition park in my spare time with my friend Dr Zoe Williams who was studying nearby at the time. Two months in I was given the...
Storm Client Testimonial – Chris
We recently visited our client Chris who runs 'Yoga Therapies' out of their new location situated within STACK Newcastle. Chris gave a lovely testimonial on why he chose to train with Storm and how Storm changed him personally. See the video below. If you'd like to...