Key Industry Terms
Spencer talks about some key industry terms. In this video Spencer explains some key terms that you need to understand when setting up your diet correctly. For example what is your basal metabolic rate (BMR)? And Spencer explains what maintenance calories are. Here is...
How to Maximise Watt Bike Interval Training
Here’s my insights on a method I have developed to set challenging targets for Watt Bike intervals. I want, by sharing this, to ensure your interval sessions are both challenging and that you don’t blow up after one set. It’s taken me nearly 20 years to fully...
Storm Client Testimonial – Aston
We recently chatted with client Aston about his experience of training with Storm coach Dave Ball. "At 48 I've never been fitter..." says Aston. Watch the 2-minute video below. If you'd like to chat about how Storm can help you please get in touch, we'd love to hear...
Is Fasted Cardio Necessary for Fat Loss
Within a few weeks you’ll be bombarded with fat loss solutions, each of which claims their approach is the best. The question you need to be asking is, best for who? Over the next few weeks I’ll post a few pointers to steer you on the right direction and avoid any...
Never Skip Breakfast… or could you?
Often too much weight has been given to the importance of eating breakfast. In my view meal frequency just isn't worth worrying about for most people. A study by Schlundt 1992 took 52 obese subjects through a 12 week treatment. Their metabolic rate was established at...
Simple Formula for Fat Loss
Fat loss in 3 simple steps Losing body fat relies on creating a calorie deficit. Burning more calories than you eat. That doesn’t mean however, that you absolutely HAVE to weigh, measure and track everything you eat on my fitness pal. Here’s how our coaches achieve...
Letting Your Kids Watch You Die Early
We receive a lot of emails at Storm, but there is one type of email that always stops me in my tracks. The kind that changes the whole course of my day and feels like a punch through the heart. No, not the brown envelope from HMRC. It’s when we receive an email from a...
Whether or not you feel concerned about your weight, being aware of the trajectory of your weight and having the ability to change trajectory is a vital skill. On average, adults gain 0.7g in bodyweight per year beyond 20 years of age. Whilst that might not sound like...
Storm Client Testimonial – Debbie
We recently visited our client Debbie who runs 'Yoga Therapies' with partner Chris out of their new location situated within STACK Newcastle. She gave us a wonderful testimonial on how she finds Storm fitness and why training with Storm has benefited her personal...
Are Your Best Days Really Behind You?
Recently one of my good friends Michael at Always Wear Red (Newcastle’s rapidly expanding fashion brand) wrote a blog in response to the question “Can people ‘peak’?”… it was 6 words long, it read: “Only if you think you have.” When I start working with clients they...
Before you make goals
Just before you commit to your action plan for 2019, here are a few thoughts on motivation from me to you: 1. You need a telescope and a microscope A forward thinking dream like vision is important, but equally as important is the attention to the details that will...
5 Questions to take inventory of your training
One of the most important tasks Storm’s coaches do is to review our clients training programs to check they are optimally effective and likely to deliver what our clients want. I would encourage you to do the same, here’s how: 1. Is it actually happening? When you...
Exercise Form
When I first started training people, nearly a decade ago, I ignorantly thought, that in order to teach people how to lift I just needed to learn the positions, learn how to demonstrate the lifts and learn a script of what to say (I did say “ignorantly”). The thing...
Recoverable Volume
There is an amount of training you and I could complete today that would surpass your ability to recover fully from it before your next planned training session. That should be a universal truth we all subscribe to; but to some people that statement alone will cause...
Metabolism: Why Burning Calories isn’t the Answer
Why would I spend time writing about your metabolism? It’s just what we are born with isn’t it? If we have a slow metabolism there’s nothing we can about it is there? The main three aspects that determine how many calories you will burn today are: Your levels...
Protein: Are You Deficient?
When we start working with new clients, whether they are focussed on losing body fat loss or gaining muscle we often find they could benefit from eating a bit more protein. Believe it or not a lot of people don't like the idea of eating more protein and are often...
The Muscle Preservation Mind Set
By Dan Marriot Can I be brutally honest with you? Dieting is tough. When the sole focus of your diet is to reduce scale weight, which it is for a lot of people, dieting becomes even more challenging from a mental perspective. Today I want to offer a different...
Seasonal Affective Disorder & 7 Tips to Brighten Up Your Winter Months
Post by Dan Marriott "I just want to stay indoors, eat food and hibernate, rather than go outside" Why is it, we tend to lay low throughout the winter months? Our energy levels dip, we crave foods that are dense in calories...
Resistance Training For Women Over 40
Post by: Dan Marriott There are a number of health benefits that females could potentially be missing out on, if resistance training isn’t part of their weekly routine. Even though the mentality is shifting, there is still a high percentage of females, over the age of...
Four Factors of Fat loss
Here's an overview of how to build a successful fat loss plan that will work...and keep working. Recently here at Storm Human Behavioural Psychologist Falko Sniehotta shared some data with the team from a nationally representative study by Liz Evans. One of the more...
The Kick Start
Saturday had come and I was finally catching up with my good friend and former partner in crime (not literal crime of course) I could barely wait. I arrived and my pal was sitting down already, he seemed a bit subdued. “Hey Spence, alright?” The choice of restaurant...
Your Instincts are Your Enemy (not your friend)
There seems to be a growing number of people who believe that by following our “natural instincts” with food choices we would arrive at a highly nutritious balanced diet There are many ways to consider how we make food choices, but for the sake of this argument...
Picking the Right Online Personal Trainer for You
"And everywhere, infinite options, infinite possibilities" ~ Haruki Murakami With almost infinite options; here are the top points to consider when selecting the person responsible for improving your health and fitness. Being a good generalist is of course fine and a...
What is Online Personal Training?
Just like every service industry, Personal training is now online and in a big way. Since 2015 the number of searches for online personal training has shot up by nearly 40%! So how does it work and what do we make of it? As is the case with personal training offline,...
The Minimalist Guide to Eating Healthily all Week Long
How to set up your weekly nutrition in 2 hours or less Start by writing a weekly plan for how many meals you’ll need to prepare. If you are looking to make changes to your body shape or performance, it’s not necessarily essential that you prepare every meal in...
How to Take Over the World one Dieter at a Time
We are living in an age without precedence; the age of the non-expert. Just watch the news. Never before throughout history has there been such an opportunity for people to position themselves to give advice on important topics without having any...
The ACTUAL Effects of overfeeding this Christmas
What damage can you REALLY do to your progress this Christmas? I have spoken to a lot of people recently who have a DEEP FEAR about the upcoming Christmas period and it’s potential to de rail all your progress. So let’s first agree what we mean by “the Christmas...
Activity Trackers – Do They Work?
If you want to get in shape; keeping track of your activity is definitely a good idea. Whilst energy balance or energy in vs energy burned is not the ONLY factor in successful change, calories in vs calories out is sort of the master regulator for all body composition...
Should You Eat Breakfast When Trying To Lose Weight?
Here's a guide to help you decide if breakfast is going to be an important factor in reaching your goals: Eating for fat loss: Losing body fat requires that the total volume of energy you eat and drink is less than the total volume of energy used in both exercise and...
How To Hack Your Hormones For Lean Muscle Gains
A lot of the women who train at Storm, after they have reached their body fat goals, want to increase their muscle mass and strength. You simply can’t separate strength training and the effects it has on our hormones. Here’s how to spot a session that will get your...
Cant Keep Up Part 2- Simplifying Your Nutrition Updated
“This nutrition plan will revolutionise the way you eat, look, feel and perform!”… How often have you heard something like this on social media or in magazines? The idea of a ‘secret’ or ‘revolutionary’ formula is something I see increasingly and it's something I...
Simplify Your Training Pt.1
The internet is like you local city library…except none of the books are in order, there is a group of know-it-alls shouting at the top of their voice and the librarian is a chimpanzee. There is a lot of information out there, which is in itself a wonderful thing....
Hunger- Understand hunger and how to manage it
Hunger If you have recently started trying to lose weight there is a good chance that hunger has become a factor and if it hasn't yet it soon will be. Whether you are adhering to a set of macro targets or just reducing your intake there may be times when you feel...
The Four Steps to Great Results
You’ve made the decision to make a big change in your life. Great work! You have taken the first step which is often the hardest and that is challenging your previous way of thought and taking the choice to start altering the way you do things. But there’s one...
Lessons from significant weight loss
The result of significant weight loss is not just a drop in numbers on the scale, but also lessons learned outside of the training room. Having done this myself, I’m familiar with the struggles of changing your body. Believe me, I’ve been there and got the t-shirt…or...
Minimum time, maximum effort – 5 steps to an efficient fat loss workout
Ah that old chestnut… “I just don't have time to train”. As busy people we often find ourselves with little time to train and by that I mean train hard, not just a 20 minute walk on the treadmill…It’s easy to take your foot off the pedal when your work life is hectic,...
Fat: The Mysterious Macro
So we all know the importance of protein, some know the benefits of carbohydrates but what about fats? Fat is an area of nutrition that a lot of people overlook, but did you know: Your brain is 87% fat Your joints are almost 100% fat with a few proteins Every cell in...
7 tips for the Health Conscious Young Professional
By Jack Curtis Although its cold and it might not feel like it, the first day of summer is only 13 weeks away. Here are my 7 health tips for the busy young professional. Use to get ahead of the game when it comes to getting in shape for the summer season: Photo...
Your Goals Aren’t Helping You Succeed
Achieving your fitness and health goals is lot like climbing stairs. You take a step at a time until you reach the top. A lot of people get put off very early on whilst climbing the stairs. It is a long way up and they can see the hard work ahead. They will be put off...
6 Simple Tips To Stay Focussed
Here are a few quick tips on how to get more out of training, stay focussed and feel good about doing it. 1. Get things in some kind of order. You may have heard: “A highly varied diet, rich in nutrients is the best way to get healthy, lean and fit.” “You need...
What Matters Most?
What are the important factors to consider in order to get your training and nutrition absolutely on point? This is exactly what we wanted to know from the clients at Storm in this short video. In this one I get called a geek by a buddhist monk, I am beaten in a core...
Should You Weigh Yourself?
This seems like the perfect time to write this, with us all fresh from our festive binges! People are either jumping on those scales desperate to ditch the pounds they’ve gained, or throwing their scales out of the window out of fear of what they might say. My...
“I’ll Just Cut Out Gluten”
"I'll just cut out gluten" Continuing with our Top 5 Nutrition Arguments You'll Hear This Christmas, here is another common solution people take to when they want to get in shape. This short post is just to provide you with the facts to make an informed decision about...
” You Can’t Drop Weight by Exercising”
Top 5 Nutrition Arguments You'll Have this Christmas If you or a member of your family want to lose some body fat, exercise is undoubtedly a good idea. Most body fat is carried under the skin as adipose tissue and when we exercise blood flow to adipose...
“You Shouldn’t Eat So Much Protein”
Top 5 Nutrition Arguments You'll Have this Christmas Is it just me or is Christmas the time of year where we recieve advice about diet and training from nearly everyone? Maybe you have had a friend or family member tell you that you are doing it all wrong? If you have...
Getting Zeds- A Guide to Your Best Nights Sleep
Background. Our body clock or sometimes referred to as our circadian rhythm runs on a delay of approximately 15 minutes. There are 24 hours in one day but 24 hours and 15 minutes in one complete cycle of our daily rhythm of hormone peaks and troughs if...
Trainer Focus: Can you out train a bad diet?
In the third part of our trainer focus series, Robbie answers a big question: Can you train out a bad diet? Put simply, no. You can’t train out a bad diet. To clarify, when I talk about a bad diet I mean eating too much of the wrong foods and taking in too many...
Trainer focus: Going all out from the off
Welcome to the first in our new series of trainer blogs. Today, Robbie takes us through how to get started on an effective training regime. When anyone embarks on a new training or diet regime, they usually follow a predictable pattern. They start off getting sick of...
3 Tips – Get The Athletic Look
I won’t bore you all with research on why these 3 things work as I’m sure you don’t want to work your way through something that feels like going back to school on your day off. This is just a quick and a dirty on my way to whip (operative speak) women into shape in a...
Training Around the Menstrual Cycle
There is a big buzz surrounding the female menstrual cycle in the press recently following Heather Watson speaking out at the Australian open about how her performance was down to “women’s problems”. There has been a lot of speculation about whether the...
Gain Muscle & Lose Fat at the Same Time?
When it comes to getting in shape there are various tricks and tips you can use to change somebody's appearance. For example by changing the relative "stiffness" within a muscle or muscle group you can change somebody's posture. I bet if you were to talk to any PT or...