Minimum time, maximum effort – 5 steps to an efficient fat loss workout

by Apr 29, 2016Fat Loss, Healthy Lifestyle

Ah that old chestnut… “I just don’t have time to train”. As busy people we often find ourselves with little time to train and by that I mean train hard, not just a 20 minute walk on the treadmill…It’s easy to take your foot off the pedal when your work life is hectic, so here’s how to maximise your training for fat loss and realise that there is always time, even if its just 30 minutes.

Step 1: Keep your goal in mind.

What is the reason behind being in the gym? Fat Loss. By keeping the training goal clear, your efforts can now be completely directed towards achieving that and that alone. Anything more and you’re going to be stretching it for time. In losing body fat you are going to have to make some changes and an effective resistance training session 2-4 x per week is a great place to start.

Step 2: Warmup on the way

This is where you can really start to get maximising your time in the gym. (Of course if you are having to drive straight to work in the morning or you are driving straight to the gym after work then this may not apply). Walk, Jog, Cycle to the gym instead of taking the car. Raise your heart rate and get your muscles warmed up before you’re even in the gym. Sling your gear in the lockers, get some dynamic stretches done and get cracking.

Step 3: Putting together a great utility warmup once in the gym

What have you been doing all day? What feels tight? What are you going to be working? Full body warmups using the RAMP principle should do the trick.

Raise your pulse: If you’ve not done this already, perform warmup drills for timed intervals

Activate: Which movements will you be doing in the workout? The warmup should mimic these in some fashion

Mobilise: Work into a full range of motion at the joints you will be using, if necessary with assistance like holding onto a rack or using a band to hold on to

Prime: Get the muscles that you’ll be using fired up and ready to go

Try this for a full body RAMP warmup:

1Cat and Camels60s
2Shrimp Rolls60s
3Glute Bridge and Reach60s
5Reverse Lunge and Reach60s
6Reverse Lunge and Twist60s
7Deep Squat/Deep Squat Walkdowns60s

Step 4: Intent and Priority

“The main thing, is to keep the main thing the main thing”- Dan John.  How long do you have? Partition your time into blocks and assign each block to your priorities in your workout. Short time-frames are by no means perfect, but being smart and strict with your time in the gym will help to keep the intensity up and your focus clear. There’s no room for slacking in these time blocks. You must attack them with everything you’ve got. If you’ve only got 20 minutes, it needs to be 20 minutes of focused, intentional work. That doesn’t mean you need to smash yourself every time your in. If you train your full body every session and have a recovery session in there to stretch and mobilise…then stretch and mobilise for the session, don’t sit around texting.

Step 5: The session itself

By this point you might be asking, what should my session look like? I’ll give you an easy to follow template to work from. Think of it like the gym based version of ‘Jamie’s 30 minute meals’.

Full Body Fat Loss:

5 mins RAMP warmup (See Step 3)

1Kettle/Dumbell SLDL30s10s
2Kettle/Dumbell Overhead Press30s10s
3Kettle/Dumbell Goblet Squat 30s10s
4Kettle/Dumbell Bent Over Row30s10s
5Kettle/Dumbell Farmers Carry30s10s
6Kettle/Dumbell Swing30s60-90s

When time is of the essence, you need to be clear with your intentions, plan ahead and train with focus. 30 minutes might not be long but you can still get the work done. So stick your headphones in, put your phone on aeroplane mode and train with intent.

Feel like your not making the most of training and nutrition? I currently have space to take on 1 more client training on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, drop us a line below to begin maximising your efforts.


Cat and Camels

Shrimp Rolls

Glute Bridge and Reach


Reverse Lunge and Reach

Reverse Lunge and Twist

Deep Squat




Goblet Squat


Bent Over Row

Dumbbell Deadlift

Farmers Walk


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Please expect a response from Robbie or Sue at Storm Fitness, within 4 hours during our office hours of Monday to Friday between 9am- 5pm. Enquiries outside of this time can expect a response within 12 hours.

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