5 Steps to Injury Reduction for Young Athletes

5 Steps to Injury Reduction for Young Athletes

At Storm over the last 8 years we have grown a reputation for developing young athletes. Some of our athletes go on to earn international honours or progress to senior level sport; but in almost all cases our young athletes learn how to train for optimal performance,...
Never Skip Breakfast… or could you?

Never Skip Breakfast… or could you?

Often too much weight has been given to the importance of eating breakfast. In my view meal frequency just isn’t worth worrying about for most people. A study by Schlundt 1992 took 52 obese subjects through a 12 week treatment. Their metabolic rate was...
Strength Training… why again?

Strength Training… why again?

Here’s a quick reminder of why including some Strength Training in your week is a good idea: What Strength training will do for you: Increase metabolism, burning more calories whilst resting. It burns body fat. Increases bone strength. You’ll look better in your...
Simple Formula for Fat Loss

Simple Formula for Fat Loss

Fat loss in 3 simple steps Losing body fat relies on creating a calorie deficit. Burning more calories than you eat. That doesn’t mean however, that you absolutely HAVE to weigh, measure and track everything you eat on my fitness pal. Here’s how our coaches achieve...
Letting Your Kids Watch You Die Early

Letting Your Kids Watch You Die Early

We receive a lot of emails at Storm, but there is one type of email that always stops me in my tracks. The kind that changes the whole course of my day and feels like a punch through the heart. No, not the brown envelope from HMRC. It’s when we receive an email from a...

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