by Spencer Davey | Feb 10, 2017
“And everywhere, infinite options, infinite possibilities” ~ Haruki Murakami With almost infinite options; here are the top points to consider when selecting the person responsible for improving your health and fitness. Being a good generalist is of course...
by Spencer Davey | Oct 19, 2016
Are cows on the growth hormone? This week I have again been in earshot of people making false claims about food. The one thing that stops me from stopping people in the street and advising them how to safely perform brain surgery is that, well… I don’t...
by Spencer Davey | Oct 5, 2016
If you were to wind back time 5 years, you would have found me sat on a ski lift in a bright green jacket talking nonsense to 4 year old ski school kids. I took a year out before I went to university and it was one of the best decisions of my life because of two...
by Spencer Davey | Dec 4, 2015
Caffeine is one drug that I definitely can appreciate. Specifically an excellent cuppa’ joe on a cloudy Newcastle morning whilst reading a good blog. However, there are mixed views about the effect of regular caffeine intake that we should consider. Here is the need...