by Spencer Davey | Jun 30, 2017
Unlike fat loss and lean muscle gain goals; a strength & performance goal could encapsulate almost anything. Whether that is to compete at the highest level in sport or just to feel strong and fit for life. Every program we write at Storm is written...
by Spencer Davey | Jun 30, 2017
When you are looking to gain muscle effectively, its important from the off that your training, nutrition and recovery are in check for maximum muscle growth. Training wise it’s important to train hard and smart, so forget your endless drop sets and reps to failure...
by Spencer Davey | Jun 30, 2017
When it comes to getting fit and strong, being over 40 doesn’t mean you can’t make big progress! We find that a lot of our clients have still yet to tap into their true potential in training and nutrition. With planned progression, properly managed training volume and...
by Spencer Davey | Jun 30, 2017
When it comes to fat loss, consistency is key with creating an energy deficit with nutrition and training. Whilst calories must come down, we still want you training as hard as possible to hold on to muscle mass while body fat decreases. Establishing a training...