by Spencer Davey | Aug 30, 2019
STORMER Lizzie asks “how can I maximise in my endurance training and maximise strength at the same time?” In this 4 minute video, STORM Fitness MD, former professional Rugby player and athlete Spencer answers Lizzie’s question. To chat to me Spence,...
by Spencer Davey | Aug 26, 2019
Did you know your bones are metabolically active? It’s an under appreciated fact that your skeleton is part of your metabolism, albeit to a far lesser degree than muscle but it still plays a vital role. When we reach 18 years old most of our skeleton is fully...
by Spencer Davey | Aug 16, 2019
Firstly why? Hypertrophy should feature in everyone’s training at some point, and the reasons why are threefold: 1. Increased muscle mass actually is associated with better health and resilience to illness. 2. Increases tensile strength (strength through your joints)....
by Spencer Davey | Jul 26, 2019
Stephen tells us that, as a runner, he’d never been to a gym before coming to STORM and how training has improved his marathon and half marathon times. He also explains how he came to first use STORM and why he enjoys working with personal trainer Ted Winter. To...
by Spencer Davey | Jul 19, 2019
Here’s my insights on a method I have developed to set challenging targets for Watt Bike intervals. I want, by sharing this, to ensure your interval sessions are both challenging and that you don’t blow up after one set. It’s taken me nearly 20 years to fully...